Philosophy & Concept

Philosophy & Concept


When you enjoy doing something you are happy to do it. And if you are happy to do it reaching your goals becomes easier. That is why we bring fun into the training and create a learning environment where people try to overcome their limits.

SPORTORT is a community where we learn from each other and help each other to move forward. We believe in the positive effects of versatility in and around sport, and are happy to witness the progress of others, be they children, people with disabilities, recreational or professional athletes. We are convinced that openness to newness and acceptance of diversity give us all the chance to grow. 



We bring different sport disciplines together in order to improve your performance holistically rather than only through single movements. This way you do not only become stronger and faster but also more efficient and precise. 

Otherwise said: training in a versatile manner improves your performance in the long run.


We combine the worlds of conditioning training, martial arts, parkour, team sports and science to create a new holistic training method.

Through parkour you learn to master your body in every circumstance and to consequently move with control and efficiency.

Through martial arts you learn to react quickly and precisely. You also get to understand a lot about your fellows, and this strenghtens your self-confidence.

Through team sports you learn to handle different objects (ball, racket, stick,…) and to anticipate complex game actions.

Through conditioning training you work on strenght, endurance, velocity, coordination and mobility in order to strenghten your body and protect it from injuries. By doing so you ensure a solid foundation for a long term physical development.

The sportort athlete

Our goal is to bring you as close as possible to this ideal model and to optimally prepare you for the challenges your body faces in sport as well as in your everyday life.

Health plays a central role in a long-term development. For this reason special attention should be paid to prevention and regeneration close to, during, and after the training. It is especially important to learn how to master key points such as sleep, hydration, nutrition and load monitoring (RPE).